Monday, January 30, 2012

Let's Paint the Ceiling!

Just a quick post to brighten the after school program of first and second graders in 2011 painted ceiling tiles for the elements and principles of art. A few did some of the famous artists we study, as well. I've painted two and we are adding to the collection of ceiling tile paintings as time permits. They are just too pretty to not post them! :o)



How to Bridge the Digital Divide

The digital divide has shifted from being having access to technology and the web versus those who do not, to how people are connecting to the internet. While many people used to have no access to the internet in any form, many people now have access through smart phones. This is better than nothing, but it is absolutely not the same as having access through a broadband Wi-Fi connection.  Job applications, submitting resumes, and other necessary tasks can usually only be accessed through computer access. Students that do not have access at home to technology and the internet, for fun or practical purposes, will likely not have the technological literacy that is necessary to function in the digital world. It is our job, as teachers in today’s society, to teach them how to utilize the resources available at the moment. While many schools are still lacking in the technology that would enable the teachers to instruct on the many uses, slowly but surely, we are getting there. Unfortunately, the new digital divide is still leaving some schools behind as new technological resources are developed daily. It seems as though there may always be some sort of digital divide as products and software evolves. My hope is that it will become more common in ALL schools and that the children in schools now will learn how to make the most of the amazing resources available.

As teachers, we need to keep in mind that students need to use technology for more than just a reward. We need them to see the internet and technology as a resource that can be used to learn, not just to play. We also need to ensure that the students are taught how to use netbooks or iPads so that the navigation does not slow them down on researching topics and working on projects. At Delaware, we do not have textbooks. We use netbooks, iPod touches, and iPads as our textbooks. It is imperative that our students know the basic commands of each technology so that they are not bogged down with how to save their work and tasks such as that. As a staff, we have been committed to creating meaningful and practical lessons that are standards based and employ real life situations. We have grade level PLC (professional learning community) meetings to plan and discuss what is needed for grade levels. We also do vertical alignment so that our students know that the expectations of them in class are not going to change year after year. We have seen much success with the programs and reform we are implementing at our school. Not only does having the technology available make planning our lessons fun, it makes them engaging lessons for our students. Using technology at our school is not an infrequent occurrence, but a daily requirement. Our students can make a Prezi ( in an instant, as well as many other web applications, and can teach me tons in just one class period when it comes to the digital world. We allow the students to create and contribute to the digital world and they LOVE it. When you think of the jobs that our students are likely to be doing when they graduate both high school and college, technology knowledge is an absolute MUST! The best way to learn and to have it become second nature is to dive right in.

Our collaborative VoiceThread on "Bridging the Digital Divide"

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reaching the 21st Century Learner

Reflecting on “Reaching the 21st Century Learner,” I definitely think that technology has had a profound effect on the processes that we all take to learn in this digital age. Our world is one of instant gratification and information is, most literally, at our fingertips. So many adults, and even kids, have smart phones that if a question is raised, many instantly go to the internet and find an answer quickly and efficiently. We have a certain amount of reliance on the ease of access to so many resources for information that is sometimes good and others not so great. We should not become so dependent on technology that we lose our creativity and innate knowledge.

I would like to believe that most educational environments are becoming more in tune with the way a 21st Century learner works. At my school alone, we now have class sets of netbooks, iPads, iPod touches, and Promethean Boards in all rooms. Our students have come to expect that they have the latest and greatest to learn from and they are sometimes the best teachers in the digital worlds.  If students are so interested in the technology of tomorrow, we need to have it accessible for them in order to motivate their learning.  Many people believe that in order to learn the lessons necessary, you must take notes, you must have textbooks, and you must take tests. I am seeing a completely different learning environment at the school where I teach and it is so exciting, for both students and teachers, every day.

I really feel like the terms digital native and digital immigrant are really not as opposite as some would like to believe.  It is truly all about having an open mind and a positive attitude. The majority of my students do not have computers at home and technology in every moment of their lives because their families cannot afford it. However, they are so open to learning about it, they are instantly successful. You will never hear them say, “I can’t,” when working with the technology at our school. They are so persistent and I feel like the adults that are “scared” of technology and would be considered a digital immigrant should take a page from my students’ books. 

I really enjoyed the video interviews, in total, on the PBS: Digital Nation-Life on the Virtual Frontier website. These were very informational and gave great insight into where our students are coming from in the digital world of today.

Additionally, I think my best, favorite, and most informative resources on the subject are the students that I work with daily.  They are ever changing and are so open minded about the world we live in.  I learn as much from them every day as I teach them. They are a great motivation and inspiration for learning much about the digital nation.

Digital Natives
by: rldoty

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do What You Love!

I am an elementary art teacher with about 500 students K-6! I graduated in 2005 from the University of Evansville with a degree in Elementary Education and went back later to add on my middle school Visual Arts endorsement. My first year of teaching was at Delaware Elementary teaching third grade in Evansville, Indiana. Next, I moved to Newburgh, Indiana to teach art at 2 elementary schools with a stint teaching fourth grade, as well.  In the past I have also worked as a Title I math aide. Three years ago, I came full circle back to Delaware as the art teacher and have been here ever since!

I love art and I love it would seem that I have the perfect job for me! I believe that in order to truly be successful in your job, it helps if you actually LOVE what you do.  Lucky me! Delaware Elementary is an Equity School in the EVSC and we have an extended school year, as well as and extended school day. The extra class time allows our students to have not only gym, art, and music, but also technology, Lego engineering, and Spanish classes.  We are lucky enough to have many technology resources at our school such as class sets of netbooks, iPads, iPod touches, Promethean boards in all rooms, among others.  We do not have textbooks anymore and we utilize these resources daily! I am pursuing a Master's degree in elementary education with an emphasis in technology for this reason.  While most of the art we work on in my class is hands on with art supplies, there are many ways to incorporate technology into my lessons.  I am hoping to learn more about the resources available and how to expand my students' knowledge base for art.  

At this point, somewhat early in my career, I'm not sure I truly see myself moving out of the classroom because I love it so much.  There may be a time later that I feel differently but for right now, I am doing what I love!